XyliumDensity = 0.48
Xylium is the first of our proprietary chimera polymers. It is currently available for purchase in small quantities for the manufacture of demonstration products. AVE is entering into licensing agreements with leaders in different sectors that would like to purchase commercial quantities of Xylium for ultra high performance products.
LighterXylium is nearly 3x lighter than epoxy resin (density 1.31). Xylium resin can be used with the full range of fibres (glass, carbon, kevlar) to create ultra-light composites.
StrongerXylium has a much stronger adherence to fibres than epoxy resin. This enables it to transfer external forces more efficiently to the composite fibres. Composites made with Xylium have a stronger resistance to breakage than those made with epoxy: see the shear strength results below.
Xylium Tests
AVE is working with CRITT Mécanique et Composites of Toulouse to carry out independent materials testing.
Xylium sample undergoing shear strength tests.
Xylium carbon fibre is both 30% lighter the epoxy carbon fibre and
has more than 5 times more resistance to shear force. |